MapCalc Learner-Academic by Red Hen Systems, Inc.

   …advanced grid-based map analysis for PC environments




Educational Resources for Students – MapCalc Learner’s educational materials are extensive including tutorials, application descriptions and books.  Once MapCalc and Surfer are installed you are encouraged to complete the basic set of tutorials for both programs.  After gaining familiarity with the programs you are encouraged to complete some of the exercises contained in the Academic materials for instructors.  (click on the links to view materials)


About the Educational Resources – general description of MapCalc Learner resources


MapCalc Tutorials – contains seven lessons in grid map display, data types, analysis and GIS modeling


MapCalc Applications – describes the MapCalc software environment and presents numerous annotated examples of map analyses that can be executed using the tutorial databases


Surfer Tutorials (uses Adobe Reader) – contains six lessons in surface modeling and display


About Surfer – describes the Surfer software environment and related products


GIS Concepts slide shows – contains a series of presentations on basic, analytical and modeling concepts as well as several applications


Map Analysis book – an e-Book that discusses an array of GIS concepts, considerations and practices (a compilation of the Beyond Mapping columns appearing in GEOWorld from 1996 through 2000; additional books include Beyond Mapping (Berry, 1993; Wiley) and Spatial Reasoning (Berry, 1995; Wiley) compile the Beyond Mapping columns from 1989 through 1996)


ü      Table of Contents

ü      Topic 11, Characterizing Micro-Terrain Features

ü      Topic 14, Deriving and Using Travel-Time Maps

…the entire book is online at


Precision Farming Primer book – an e-Book that discusses the application of GIS technology to precision agriculture (a compilation of the GIS Toolbox columns appearing in @gInnovator from 1993 through 2001)


ü      Table of Contents

ü      Topic 2, Point Sampling

ü      Appendix D, Case Study in Precision Farming

…the entire book is online at